Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Nalerigu Day 12 pics

Chocolate icecream on my shirt. What a waste!

Group picture with the children. Some man going to play soccer joined in the back.

This is the child who fell down while trying to follow us and later fell asleep in my arms

We really are a hot item in the village

More children following us

Child standing outside Joyce's shop

Selection of fabrics at Joyce's shop

Beautiful child visiting our home with her mother who was selling papayas, limes and plantains

Stephanie, Hollynn and I being silly in the heat

My favorite treat aside from iced tea and mango cobbler...chocolate icecream!

The children who followed us after returning from the village. Note the child sitting on my lap with his legs crossed.

I thought my lap seemed to be getting a little warm while he was there. Yes, that is urine.

This is Chinny (also known as Hallelujah or Strange Horse). He lives in the TB village, but does not currently have TB. He is somewhat developmentally delayed, but knows enough to believe in God and preach it to everyone he meets. He is a great person to have around the community.

Below is a group of pics from the Nutrition Center

Where's Waldo?

The OR...actually the nicest area of the hospital

These are the top diagnoses we see...malaria, pneumonia, anemia, peritonitis, meningitis, respiratory failure, shock, CHF, CSM, malnutrition. This also shows that in 2009 the outpatient clinic alone saw over 100,000 patients

The is the baby with the large firm belly. Although he may still look stick to you, he looks approximately 1 million :) times better than he did before. His belly is so nice and soft. We're pretty proud of this little guy!

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