Me carrying Jude on my back with my new baby wrap
My friend Joyce with her daughter Susan and Jude outside her shop
John the Baptist with Jude
The chief's children and grandchildren (he has 19 wives - what a tough job!)
Outside the palace
Part of the palace
Outside "the room"
Me with the chief
All of us
The chairs at the palace
Funeral procession
Little girl showing me her beads
Cameleon that the Nyhaus family
Chinny in his glasses. Yes, these are surgical glasses. He thinks they are great. Chinny does not do surgery.
The guinea fowl
It's the end of life for the the guinea fowl
At the market
Cocoa beans
At the palace
The "cocoa beans" are actually cola nuts. Cocoa beans are used in making chocolate and are much different. Ghana used to produce most of the world's cocoa. Cola nuts are used as a gift, as when you visit someone. In modern times, money is sometimes given in place of cola nuts and is called "cola".