Sorry for not putting the pics up from yesterday! The rain stopped me!! I also apologize if it seems disorganized! Enjoy!
Another Ghanian dish...chicken with cabbage and yams. Yum!
Yes, this baby did look this yellow. It is normally very difficult to identify jaundice in an African child due to their dark skin color. Amazing!
Today's snake bite treated at home with Black Stone (read the blog for more info)
Yesterday (in opposite order of the day, i.e. evening to morning):
It's raining!! What a relief! This is Stephanie one of the medical students from West Virginia
The rain!!!! Joe and Jeff. Also from West Virginia. Joe (on the left) reminds me of the guy in John Krakauer's (sp?) book/movie "Into the Wild"
Our minor surgery room
Sign in the hospital
Doors to the back of the hospital from the isolation house
Our one nice piece of equipment for pediatrics
The peds ward when very few people/patients are around
Painting in the peds ward
Sign in the pediatrics ward
Sign in the hospital
Our wheelchairs
Us with our purchases and the owner of the shop. The baby on her back is named Susan. She is adorable! I am planning to have someone show me how to wrap a baby on my back before I leave. Hope to get a picture of that!
All the Ghanian colors!
This is at the shop I talked about in the blog (our cook's wife's shop). Beautiful work!
Some children who thought I looked silly with my white skin
Not many young girls have braided hair. Most young girls have shaved heads which is culturally appropriate.
A small child that came up to us in the village.
Children playing with a wheel and stick. This game has a name, but I can't remeber it right now.
I bought this fabric from a shop on the street to put over our dirty couch.
It is very difficult to get Ghanians pictures. They frequently don't like it. This boy was just standing at a post in the village looking at all of us. I took this picture with the camera on my side, not looking at the viewer. It is definitely one of my vary favorites!!!
The tailor that made Joe's shirt.
Our hospital from the front
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